Pioneer of the Scar Camouflage Procedure

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Scar Camouflage

Scar Camouflage is a technique using a customized blend of pigments implanted into scar tissue to reduce discolouration and soften the appearance for a natural camouflaged effect. This technique is now known as the worlds most prominent surgical scar treatment, and can be tailored to address other skin concerns such as burns, birthmarks and stretch marks.


Our Story

In the past two decades Basma built an elite team of professionals recognized for their ground-breaking Scar Camouflage work. The success of thousands of procedures performed on clients from all around the world have garnered the attention of the media, business world, and medical community.

Our clinic has been featured on news outlets and television shows such as The Doctors, CNN, CBC, The Huffington Post, TedTalk, Vogue, and many more. This allowed our success stories to spread further and better achieve our goal of impacting as many lives around the world as possible.

These lives have included Hollywood A-listers, members of Royal Families, Business Moguls, and Influencers alike. The Basma Hameed Clinic has become a renowned and trusted name globally and we feel privileged to have the opportunity to provide exceptional service to our clientele. 

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During my vacation in Hawaii I was bitten by a cat and ended up contracting cellulitis. Luckily I recovered well but was left with drainage scars all over my body. The Basma Hameed Clinic helped camouflage all of these scars. I can honestly say that they are the best and thanks to them I can finally feel confident again!
After doing a Cool Laser treatment, I was left with a few white spots on my face. I came to the Basma Hameed Clinic so they could help me camouflage those spots, then found out they could help me with my c-section scar too!